All associates have the responsibility to speak up and raise questions and concerns about potential compliance issues. The Code cannot describe every possible situation we may encounter in our daily work. If the answer is not found in the Code, seek guidance. There is no requirement to be "correct" before speaking up; the obligation is simply to raise the issue in good faith.
All concerns of potential or actual violation of the Code, policies, procedures, and laws must be reported so that they can be addressed. The matter will be reviewed as required by law and per Rehlko’s investigation process. Confidentiality is respected and information is only disclosed to persons necessary to complete the investigation or as required by law.
Management and Human Resources are also excellent resources for questions and guidance about job-specific policies and processes, work responsibilities, coworker issues, discipline disputes, or promotion opportunities.
Rehlko is committed to an environment in which associates raise concerns without fear of retaliation. The Company will not tolerate direct or indirect retaliation against an associate who has reported a concern in good faith or participated in an investigation pertaining to a violation of law, the Code, or other Company policies. Any form of retaliation against associates who raise an ethics or policy concern may result in discipline up to and including termination.
Rehlko offers many channels for asking questions and raising concerns about potential or actual Code, policy, or legal violations. Contact the following with questions or concerns:
Manager or Supervisor
Human Resources
Compliance and Ethics
Corporate Security
Internal Audit
Chief HR Officer
Another option is to contact the Ethics Helpline:
Web portal:
Telephone: Visit to find the phone number and dialing instructions for your country
Mobile: Scan the QR code below: